On taking the scenic route


A friend of mine is getting married soon and it has me remembering the song “God Bless The Broken Road” made popular by Rascal Flatts and Selah.

It starts 

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love
along the broken road

I love the song but lately I’m not so sure about the idea of broken roads.

Or “others who broke broke my heart” being Northern Stars.

Just because the road isn’t straight doesn’t mean it’s broken. 

There may be brokenness along the way to be sure but just because it’s hard doesn’t make it bad. 

It’s the scenic route.  

And you see things and meet people you need to meet along the way.
Some of those people are rule outs, to clarify the type of people you want to be your friends. Or spouse.
And some of the things you see are things of your own design, by your own choice, that are really bad ideas.

But you learn and grow, ask forgiveness and heal. 

And it all adds up to forming who you are and discovering what ultimately will bring you joy and peace. Hopefully, you discover God along the way too.

You can work hard and battle and hustle and still not be in a hurry.

Sometimes the road gets straighter, if you just pause and enjoy the scenery.